About Us

The Spokane Corvette Club, formed in 1958, is a non-profit organization, incorporated in May 1987. The Club is open to all Corvette owners who relish the camaraderie of fellow Corvette enthusiasts and who follow the “4 C’s” … Community, Charity, Cars, and Club.

Our members hail from British Columbia, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. Some of our members have been active in the Club for over 60 years and provide the backbone for our Club’s path forward.

The Spokane Corvette Club presents the Spokane region’s only all-Corvette car show in late July, "Glass On Grass", now in its 32th year. This show and its proceeds, allows us to support our designated charities, Shiners Hospital for Children, 2nd Harvest Food Bank, and others.

Throughout the year the Club organizes fun activities for sharing our love of all things Corvette...road rally's, monthly dinner runs, Club caravans, and attending car shows throughout the Inland Northwest, Canada, and beyond. 

You can follow the Spokane Corvette Club on Facebook/Instagram, or our website, SpokaneCorvetteClub.com.

Officers and Committees

PRESIDENT           Tom Tantriella

VICE-PRESIDENT    Rob Saccomanno   

TREASURER      Lisa O'Kelly   

SECRETARY      Deborah Thurber                                  MEMBERSHIP    Lisa O'Kelly

HISTORIAN     Jackie Brown

COMMUNICATIONS    Heather Stiles/Scott Plagman


WEB/SOCIAL MEDIA      Scott Plagman                                 CLUB AMBASSADOR    Sharon Marier


GLASS ON GRASS      Tom Tantriella

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